Books Available For Order
The Visual Exegesis Anthology
Paperback Edition
Please note, this series is intended for personal archival purposes. It is a way for me to get a hard copy of the 1,000+ verse pictures that I've been creating since 2015. That being said, they are certainly readable and can be used as personal devotionals, etc. Volumes 1 and 2 feature very early drawings and come from an era when I was holding myself to a limited number of brush strokes per image.

Day Will Come Again
A children's book about fear, faith, and hope
Day Will Come Again is a book about fear, faith, and the certainty of hope within a world that exists in and for Christ, and so has death and resurrection woven into its very heart.
Available for free download in English or Portuguese or Spanish
Full of Eyes
Seeing, Savoring, and Singing the Beauty of God in the Crucified and Risen Son
"He is the radiance of the glory of God…" - Hebrews 1:3
If you want to preview the book, or just like reading on a device rather than in print, you can get a FREE PDF version of the book here.
The most glorious news in all of reality is that the God for whom we—and all things—exist is communicated to his creation with definitive authority in the incarnate Son (John1:14,18), and with climactic finality in the revelatory redemption of the cross (John 8:28, 17:1,5). Knowing and enjoying the One True God in the crucified and risen Jesus is the wellspring of our love (1 John 4:19), the substance of our sanctification (2 Corinthians 3:18), and the heart of eternal life (John 17:3), and this book is an attempt to help you do just that.
"Full of Eyes" is a daily devotional containing 100 examples of visual exegesis. Each picture is designed to help you see, savor, and sing the beauty of God in his crucified and risen Son. As the Scripture in this book illuminates the pictures so that the pictures can shine back to exegete the Scripture, may you be ever more deeply enamored with the all satisfying excellence of who God has declared himself to be for us in Jesus.
Visual Exegesis
Buying this book from one of the options above directly supports me in the work of Full of Eyes. However, one of the goals of this ministry is to provide resources to the Church for free. In keeping with that goal, you can download the entire PDF of Visual Exegesis for free right here. If buying is not an option for you, please feel free to download the PDF and, I pray, benefit from this book in that way. May the Lord use these words and pictures to build you up in Christ.
Visual Exegesis?
"Exegesis," or the process of unfolding a text's original meaning, often refers to the work of a pastors as he seeks to understand a passage of scripture in order to preach it to his congregation. However, in "Visual Exegesis" the artist steps into the pulpit, as it were, and attempts to unfold a passages meaning through image rather than word.
In this book we will look at 34 full color digital drawings and examine how specific verses, doctrines, and biblical themes are expressed in each one. Image will always be the servant of word when it comes to the communication of the gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ, and Visual Exegesis is no exception. These pictures exist to point readers to the Triune God of the Bible as He has supremely revealed Himself to us in Jesus Christ.
If the mental tethers forged between the text of scripture and the imagery found in this book can serve to deepen your understanding and love for God's word (and the God of the word), I will be very happy indeed.