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Hosea 2:15

Hosea 2:15

  Hosea 2:15, “…and I will make the Valley of Achor (“trouble”) a door of hope.” If we are in the One whose death has become glory in the light of His resurrection, then all of our “Valleys of Achor/Trouble” are pervaded by—and so become pathways to—hope. Long Thoughts:In Joshua 7:22-26, we see the stoning

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Hosea 11:3

Hosea 11:3

Hosea 11:3, “…they did not know that I healed them.” + Isaiah 53:5   As I was reading yesterday, I was struck by the poignancy of Hosea 11:3 in light of the cross.  In the context, YHWH is talking about His persistent care for the people of Israel and that—despite His centuries of nurturing, healing,

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