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John 16:21-22

John 16:21-22
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John 16:21-22, ‘When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer removers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. So also, you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.’

I am happy to let you all know that our first son was born at 1:04 am the morning of February 24th. He was five weeks early so is still in the NICU, but he’s breathing on his own and making good progress. Thank you all for your prayers for me and Courtney during this time!

Courtney and I—and especially Courtney—have been able to really live through the experience of John 16:21 these last few days. This week, by the Lord’s grace, the anguish of labor gave way to the joy of a newborn human being…And that beautiful pattern (which is the pattern of crucifixion and resurrection upon which all things are built since the slain and risen Christ is the organizing principle of reality), that beautiful pattern of a mother’s anguish giving way to joy is—Jesus tells His disciples—a picture of the life of the saint, a life lived in the world where we have tribulation (16:33), and yet one lived with the sure promise that we will stand one day in the presence of the risen Jesus. The one who labored under all our anguish on the tree and who gives birth to the new creation by His own resurrection from the dead, will meet His people beyond all anguish and, with the hands that bore their anguish, wipe away every anguish-born tear; turning the bitter waters of their sorrow into the nuptial wine of everlasting joy.

Also, because of the ongoing help Courtney needs right now, I won’t be posting on social media for at least a week or so. This means I’ll miss today’s Visual Exegesis Live, but I do hope to get back to that routine once we are settled in at home. Until then—grace to you all!