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Resurrection Sunday 2024 – John 20:19-20

Paschal Trilogy – 2024: Resurrection Sunday John 20:19-20, ‘He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord.’ What does the Risen Jesus show His disciples in this passage? His nail-torn hands and spear-pierced side…These wounds are the wells of our sin, the gashes of our grief, the

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Hebrews 11:19

Hebrews 11:19, ‘…[Abraham] considered that God was able to raise [Isaac] from the dead, from which, figuratively speaking, he did receive him back.’   See the place that resurrection plays in Abraham’s faith. In this passage, resurrection is the unexpected—yet necessary—conclusion that arises from the equation of God’s Promises + Death. The Genesis 22 command

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