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2 Corinthians 12:10

2 Corinthians 12:10, “For the sake of Christ, therefore, I am well pleased in weaknesses, mistreatments, calamities, persecutions and distress, for when I am weak, then I am strong.” Paul’s definition here of ‘weakness’ is broad, essentially embracing the total experience of mortality in the fallen world. ‘Weakness’ is the curse of Genesis 3, in […]

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2 Corinthians 1:5

2 Corinthians 1:5, ‘For just as the sufferings of Christ abound for [or ‘unto’, ‘εἰς’] us, so through Christ also abounds our comfort.’ Because the one and indivisible Jesus Christ is irreducibly the Crucified and Risen One, in Him, suffering and comfort are “hypostatically” (i.e., rooted in personhood) united. Just as there is no Crucified

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Ecclesiastes 1:4-8

Ecclesiastes 1:4-8, ‘A generation goes, a generation comes…the sun rises, and the sun goes down…around and around goes the wind…all streams run to the sea…All things are full of weariness…” According to these first verses of Ecclesiastes, the world is full of soul-numbing weariness, and this is exemplified in the cyclical nature of the world

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